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Sydney Kigen Receives his Award

University of Nairobi Honors Exceptional Students at Recognition Award Ceremony

On May 5, 2023, the University of Nairobi held its prestigious Students' Recognition Award Ceremony, to celebrate and acknowledge the exceptional accomplishments of its students. The ceremony was a testament to the university's commitment to recognizing and nurturing talent, academic excellence, and holistic development among its student community.

The event showcased the outstanding achievements of students across multiple categories, each reflecting a distinct aspect of their exemplary journey. The categories encompassed academic performance, talent, research and publication, innovation and entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, leadership, volunteerism, extra-curricular activities, as well as sports and games. With over 800 students being honored, the ceremony exuded an air of celebration and pride.

One of the highlights of the ceremony was the presentation of the "Kiama Gitahi Award" to Sidney Kigen, a first-year student from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Sidney's exceptional performance in histology and embryology earned him this prestigious recognition. The award was named after Prof. Stephen Kiama, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nairobi, as a testament to his unwavering commitment to academic excellence and his leadership in promoting student success.

During his address at the ceremony, Prof. Stephen Kiama conveyed his heartfelt congratulations to all the awardees, acknowledging the immense dedication and sacrifices they made to reach such remarkable heights. He emphasized that the recognition they received was a well-deserved badge of distinction, serving as a testament to their commitment, hard work, discipline, perseverance, and willingness to go the extra mile in pursuit of excellence. The Vice-Chancellor commended the students for exemplifying desirable attributes of character building, which would undoubtedly serve as a solid foundation for their future endeavors.

Prof. Kiama took the opportunity to express his gratitude to the donors and partners who made the event possible. Their generous contributions and unwavering support played a vital role in recognizing and honoring the achievements of the university's exceptional students. The Vice-Chancellor recognized the importance of partnerships in nurturing a vibrant academic community and creating opportunities for students to excel.

The Students' Recognition Award Ceremony served as a platform to inspire and motivate students to continue striving for excellence in their chosen fields. The event highlighted the University of Nairobi's commitment to fostering holistic development and recognizing students' achievements beyond academics. By celebrating talent, leadership, innovation, and community engagement, the university encourages students to embrace a well-rounded approach to their education and personal growth.

In conclusion, the University of Nairobi's Students' Recognition Award Ceremony celebrated the exceptional achievements of its students across various domains. The event showcased the university's commitment to fostering excellence, character development, and holistic education. Through this recognition, the university reaffirmed its dedication to nurturing a talented and dynamic student community that will undoubtedly make significant contributions to society.

As the ceremony came to a close, the awardees carried with them the pride of their achievements.